Androgen Deficiency & Hormone Manipulation in Males
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What is testosterone and where does it come from?
Testosterone is a hormone produced predominantly in the testes (95%) with a small amount produced in the adrenal glands (5%)
Testosterone has many functions in the body.
Testosterone plays a role (though is rarely the only factor) in a great number of bodily functions.
It is responsible for:
Skin: Hair growth, male pattern balding, production of sebum
Liver: Synthesis of serum proteins
Bone: Accelerated linear growth, closure of the growth plates
Male sexual organs: Penile growth (only sensitive during puberty), sperm production, prostate growth and function.
Brain: Sex drive, mood, (? Cognition)
Muscle: Increase in strength and volume
Kidney: Stimulation of red blood cell production (via erythropoietin)
Bone marrow: Stimulation of stem cells.
Testosterone levels change with age.
Prior to puberty: Levels are very low (with the exception that there is a spike in the fetal/neonatal period)
At puberty: Testosterone levels rise rapidly to adult levels.
In adults, there is a gradual decline in testosterone levels starting in the 30s with the rate of decline being more rapid in order males. There is significant debate as to how much decline should be considered a natural aging process versus a disease. By way of analogy, no one would consider menopause in females to be a disease process.
Testosterone levels vary through the day.
The highest levels are observed in the early morning (between 3-8 AM) and lowest levels in the afternoon. A change in secretion over the course of the day is known as circadian variation'.
This effect is most pronounced in younger males where there can be a 25% variation between morning and afternoon testosterones)
What is Hypogonadism?
The definition of hypogonadism varies depending on who you speak to.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)defines hypogonadism as a testosterone lower than roughly 10 nmol/L.
From a functional perspective, hypogonadism is the failure of the testes to produce sufficient testosterone and sperm.
However, these definitions are unsatisfactory from a clinical perspective. There is wide variation in measured testosterone levels and sperm production such that laboratory measurement alone is very limited in its ability to diagnose hypogonadism
A better way to approach hypogonadism is to define it as a syndrome (a constellation of clinical and laboratory findings) and appreciate that there is no one specific test that can make the diagnosis or determine what treatment should be used. (AUA Guidelines; moderate recommendation; Evidence level Grade B).
Low testosterone level. There are many different ways to measure testosterone levels, but using a total testosterone level of about 10 nmol/L (this is equivalent to 300 mg/dL)
Symptoms and signs suggestive of hypogonadism:
Physical/metabolic: muscle mass, energy and strength, difficulty building muscle
Psychological: low mood, 'mental foginess', sleep disturbance.
Sexual: decreased libido, orgasm, erectile function
Note that these symptoms are non-specific and can be associated with a number of conditions, including 'life'. There is no agreed upon set of symptoms or lab test that establishes the diagnosis. The overall clinical picture needs to be considered.
The failure to produce a satisfactory level of testosterone may be the result of:
Secondary: An issue with the hypothalamus or pituitary
Primary: An issue with the testis itself
There are a number of general as well as specific conditions that can cause both primary and secondary testicular failure.
General conditions: Obesity, severe systemic illness, alcohol abuse, anabolic steroid use or abuse, inflammatory diseases, diabetes, chronic renal insufficiency, liver disease.
Specific conditions: Absence or injury of the testes (chemotherapy, radiation, infection or trauma)'s, genetic conditions (such as Klinefelter syndrome).
There are multiple medications that have been associated with low testosterone. Examples include:
Cardiac medications: Antiarrhythmics, high doses of lipid lowering agents, thiazide diuretics
Hormone medications: Any kind of estrogen, progestins, steroids
Chemotherapeutic agents
Antifungal medications
Opioids (for example, morphine, codeine)
Diagnosis & Evaluation
There are multiple symptoms that have been associated with hypogonadism. A major issue, however, is that NONE of the symptoms are specific for hypogonadism. In fact, many of the symptoms are simply the result of modern life (work, stress, poor diet, mood depression, etc.). Other symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction, or on the basis of cardiovascular disease. Consequently, symptoms alone cannot make the diagnosis.
When should testosterone levels be measured?
It is currently recommended that they should only be measured under 2 circumstances (AUA Guidelines moderate recommendation; evidence level grade B):
If symptoms suggestive of low testosterone are present
If the patient has a condition which would predispose them to low testosterone even in the absence of symptoms
Note that measurement of testosterone levels for routine screening or in older males is NOT recommended.
Measurement of Testosterone
Note: to convert conventional units (ng/dL) to SI units (nmol/L), multiply CU by 0.035
It is important to recognize that testosterone is distributed through the body in the bloodstream and that most testosterone is not 'free-floating'. In normal males, the breakdown of testosterone is:
Approximately two thirds (2/3) to albumin (a protein and from which the testosterone can easily dissociate and become active)
Approximately one third (1/3) bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
A very small amount (about 2%) free testosterone.
Bioavailable testosterone (testosterone which exerts action on cells) = testosterone bound to albumin + free testosterone (= 2/3 of total testosterone).
Total testosterone: This is usually the initial test and measures all 3 types of testosterone. If within range, no additional testing is usually indicated.
Age 40-60: mean testosterone in healthy males 430-460 ng/dL = 15 nmol/L.
Age 70-80: mean testosterone in healthy males 380-400 ng/dL = 13.6 nmol/L.
The distribution (spread) of values in healthy males is VERY LARGE. Many normal men will be both higher and lower than this number.
For example, Roche's SHBG product standardized to men without symptoms of hypogonadis reports the following (Wheeler et al Clin Endorinol 2008):
17-40 years of age: median 14.1 nmol/L (95% range 4.51-28.7)
>40 years of age: median 13.2 nmol/L (95% range 4.69-20.5)
Free testosterone: This can be measured if the total testosterone is below the lower limit of the reference level.
Sex hormone binding globulin: This can be measured separately.
Because there are many ways that testosterone is found in the blood, there are multiple different measurements of testosterone that can be performed. These results will vary between labs, the time of data measurement was taken, as well as randomly fluctuate. The variation within any individual varies between roughly 50-150% between tests. Use of 2-3 measurements reduces that variability to about 30%.
Don’t read too much into any individual level. There are multiple reasons for variation in testosterone and consequently it is oftentimes appropriate to repeat a testosterone level and ensure it has been done within a few hours of waking.
American Urological Association Guidelines on Testosterone Measurement
Use a total testosterone below 10 nmol/L as a reasonable cut off in support of the diagnosis of low testosterone. (Moderate recommendation; evidence level grade B).
Do not use free testosterone as the primary means of diagnosing testosterone deficiency.
Consider measuring free testosterone with equivocal testosterone levels between approximately 6 and 10 nmol/L
The diagnosis of low testosterone should only be made after two (2) total testosterone measurements that are taken on separate occasions with both conducted in an early morning fashion. (Strong recommendation; evidence level grade A)
The testosterone should not be measured during an acute illness. There is no effect of food intake.
Additional testing for low testosterone may be indicated:
Leuteinizing hormone: There is a strong recommendation to measure this in patients with low testosterone but there is an ongoing issue as to what to do with the information. Can consider a selective estrogen receptor modulator in patients with low testosterone plus low/low normal luteinizing hormone levels.
Follicle stimulating hormone: Should be considered in patients of reproductive age.
Prolactin: Recommended in patients with low total testosterone plus low or low normal LH level. If elevated evaluation for hyperprolactinemia should be undertaken.
Complete blood count: Strongly recommended prior to initiation of testosterone therapy.
Measurement and Monitoring
Monitoring of treatment results is always necessary. There are 2 things which we are looking for:
An increase in serum testosterone level to the target (see below)
Improvement in the symptoms for which the testosterone was prescribed.
What is the ideal target for testosterone?
At present, is unknown what the optimal level of testosterone is. The current recommendation is to adjust testosterone therapy dosing to achieve a total testosterone level in the middle to tertile of the normal reference range. (AUA guideline conditional recommendation; evidence grade level C)
Target for most men is between about 15-20 nmol/L.
This number was derived by looking at 31 randomized trials that showed some benefit to testosterone therapy and assessing the median and weighted posttreatment level. There is a very large spread in testosterone levels for both normal men and those in whom benefit from testosterone therapy was noted. Consequently, the reference range is very broad. There is no single level that will fit all men.
It is important to measure testosterone in a uniform way to assess treatment response.
It is important that the blood is drawn at the same appropriate time as this can significantly affect the measured level. Timing differs based on the type of testosterone supplementation.
Testosterone injection: how we draw testosterone levels will depend on what we are looking for
A 'peak' level can be drawn the day after the injection and a 'trough' level the morning that you are due for the injection. These will help determine the total dose and the frequency of dosing (the peak level corresponds with the risk of polycythemia and the trough with the potential symptoms of 'testosterone crash')
Blood level should be drawn 1 (ONE) week after the last injection. The target level is between 400 - 700 ng/dl (or roughly 10-20 nmol/L)
Testosterone gels and patches: blood level can be drawn in the morning
Goto the same lab each time.
Calculating Bioavailable Testosterone by Measuring Total T, Albumin and SHBG
Treatment of Testosterone Deficiency
Testosterone replacement/supplementation can be very beneficial in select circumstances. However, testosterone replacement is not a “cure all” for men, despite much marketing to the contrary. There There are pros and cons to testosterone supplementation and these can be discussed with your physician.
Note that testosterone will increase libido and energy, but will not on their own improve erections.
Lifestyle Modification
All men with testosterone deficiency should be counseled regarding lifestyle modifications as a treatment strategy. These include weight loss, exercise, optimization of diet (high vegetable/fruit, low-fat), smoking cessation, moderation in alcohol. (AUA guideline conditional recommendation; evidence level grade B).
There are 2 general ways to increase testosterone levels
Give testosterone directly
Skin gels
Injections (into muscle or under the skin)
Pills by mouth
Prompt the body to make more testostone
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM's)
Aromatase inhibitors
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
+ Androgel 5 grams daily (1%) or 2.5 grams daily (1.62%)
This is a very physiological way to replace testosterone because it avoids the high peak and trough levels experienced with intramuscular depot injections. There is important information regarding unintented transfer of the gel to other persons which can be reviewed on the website.
Dosing: There are 2 concentrations of this (1% and 1.62%) - they do the exact same thing except that the 1.62% high concentration requires a lower volume of gel to get the same result. Both come in pre-packaged and a pump (the dose is easier to fine tune with the pump, though it may be less convenient for some).
1% Gel: Usual dose is 5 grams per day (delivering 50 mg of testosterone) and comes in 5 gram packets. Dose can be increased to 10 grams per day.
1.62% Gel: Usual dose is 2.5 grams per day (delivering 40 mg of testosterone).
Application: Applied to shoulders or upper arms. OK to swim/shower with 1.62 after 2 hours, but should wait 6 hours with the 1% solution.
Pharmacare Coverage: NO; often extended healthcare will cover, cost up to $300/month
+ Testim 5 grams daily
Dosing: Usual dose is 5 grams.
As per Androgel, it is a very physiological way to replace testosterone. Absorption is slightly better than Androgel, but the gel has a light scent - some people like it, some don't. There is important information regarding unintented transfer of the gel to other persons which can be reviewed on the website.
Application: Applied to shoulders or upper arms.
Pharmacare Coverage: NO; often extended healthcare will cover, cost up to $300/month
+ Natesto (Testosterone nasal gel) 1 pump per nostril (total of 11 mg) 2-3 times per day
This is a very physiological way to replace testosterone because it avoids the high peak and trough levels experienced with intramuscular depot injections.
Dosing: 1 pump per nostril (2 total) 2-3 times daily. 6-8 hours should elapse between doses.
Blow the nose.
Remove the cap from the dispenser.
Place the right index finger on the pump of the actuator and while in front of a mirror, slowly advance the tip of the actuator into the left nostril upwards until their finger on the pump reaches the base of the nose.
Tilt the actuator so that the opening on the tip of the actuator is in contact with the lateral wall of the nostril to ensure that the gel is applied to the nasal wall.
Slowly depress the pump until it stops.
Remove the actuator from the nose while wiping the tip along the inside of the lateral nostril wall to fully transfer the gel.
Using your left index finger, repeat the steps outlined in bullets 3 through 6 for the right nostril.
Use a clean, dry tissue to wipe the tip of the actuator.
Replace the cap on the dispenser.
Press on the nostrils at a point just below the bridge of the nose and lightly massage.
Refrain from blowing the nose or sniffing for 1 hour after administration.
Pharmacare Coverage: NO; often extended healthcare will cover.
+ Axiron 30-120 mg daily (each pump has 30 mg; apply to armpits)
Initial dose is usually about 60 mg (one pump to each armpit)
Apply deorderant FIRST (before the testosterone liquid)
Axiron manufactor website
Pharmacare Coverage: NO; 80% of extended health drug plans do have coverage
+ Fortesta* 40-70 mg (4-7 pumps); apply to inner thighs
Pharmacare Coverage: NO
+ Striant* 30 mg every 12 hours applied to the inside of the lip (buccal)
Newer. Inner cheek irriatation is the biggest issue (about 1 in 10)
Application: applied to upper gum just above the incisor tooth
Pharmacare Coverage: NO
+ Depo-Testosterone (Testosterone cypionate) 150 mg every 2 weeks
It comes in 10 ml (100 mg/ml) vials - one vial will usually last a few months. Dissolved in cottonwood oil.
May be a better choice in younger men because it is slightly more androgenic.
While daily dosing is not required, the injection every couple of weeks may require more visits to the doctor and the serum testosterone levels will fluctuate much more then with a skin gel or oral pill. We can teach you how to do the injections on your own. We will sometimes vary dosing and frequency of injections based on 'peak' and 'trough' levels (see below)
Coverage: Pharmacare will cover the cost for qualifying patients.
+ Delatestryl (Testosterone Enanthate) 150 mg every 2 weeks
It comes in 5-10 ml (200 mg/ml) vials. This can be injected under the skin using a small needle (warm the medication in your hand before drawing to make it less viscous). Disolved in sesame oil.
This may be a little better in older men because of it's short half-life and absence of fluid retention.
While daily dosing is not required, the injection every couple of weeks may require more visits to the doctor and the serum testosterone levels will fluctuate much more then with a skin gel or oral pill. We can teach you how to do the injections on your own. We will sometimes vary dosing and frequency of injections based on 'peak' and 'trough' levels (see below)
Coverage: Pharmacare will cover the cost for qualifying patients.
+ Andriol 40 mg three times per day or 80 mg twice daily
Coverage: Not covered by pharmacare
TRANSFERANCE: ALL OF THE SKIN GELS CAN BE TRANSFERRED WITH SKIN TO SKIN CONTACT FOR 24 HOURS AFTER APPLICATION. You must wash it off with soap before skin-skin contact with someone else. This is very important with women (esp. pregnant) and children. Note that you can transfer the medication to inanimate objects (e.g. furnature) which may then transfer to other people. You can swim after 2 hours.
FERTILITY: DO NOT TAKE TESTOSTERONE IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO START YOUR FAMILY. It is the equivalent of taking a birth control pill. One possible exception is Natesto (nasal testosterone). Exogenous testosterone therapy should not be prescribed to men who are currently trying to conceive. (AUA guideline; Strong recommendation, evidence level grade A).
Dose adjustment is often required and is based on measured testosterone levels and clinical response. Measuring the blood testosterone levels at the right time is very important.
Monitoring: hematocrit, PSA, liver function tests (lipids are probably not required.
There are 2 pill forms of testosterone: methyltestosterone (US only) and Undeconoate (Canada and Europe). Methyltestosterone is NOT prescribed in Canada and the safer Undeconoate formulation is NOT available in the US. The methyltestosterone formulation can cause problems for liver tumors and polycythemia (problems with red cell levels).
*May not be available in Canada yet
Formulations to increase the body’s own production of testosterone
These treatments are primarily used to treat men with infertility and in general are not used in men with hypogonadism. They can indirectly increase the levels of testosterone. Note that all of these medications are used 'off-label' and require subspecialty expertise for prescribing and monitoring.
+ Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) 25-50 mg daily or every 2 days
Mechanism: blocks the negative feedback of estradiol on the pituitary such that gonadotropins (FSH and LH) are increased. This, in turn, can drive the testis to produce more testosterone.
Use: in very select circumstances, it can be used to drive sperm production in the testicle which can also increase serum levels of testosterone.
Monitoring: Testosterene and liver function tests periodically; semen analysis in men in whom fertility is the reason for treatment
Notes: Not available through commercial production but 3 pharmacies compound this and you can fill your prescription at one of these (up to date as of October 2019):
Finlandia Pharmacy & Natural Health Centre: 1111 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6H 1G1; phone: 604-733-5323; fax: 604-484-0002
MacDonalds Prescription LTD: 746 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1G8; phone: 604-872-2662; fax: 604-876-0242
Delta Prescriptions: 8425 120 St/101, Delta, BC V4C 6R2; Ph: 604-594-4499; Fax: 604-594-4155
+ Tamoxofen (Tamoxifen Citrate) 20 mg daily starting , lowered to q2days if needed
Mechanism: blocks the negative feedback of estradiol on the pituitary such that gonadotropins (FSH and LH) are increased. This, in turn, can drive the testis to produce more testosterone.
Use: in very select circumstances, it can be used to drive sperm production in the testicle which can also increase serum levels of testosterone.
Monitoring: Testosterene and liver function tests periodically; semen analysis in men in whom fertility is the reason for treatment
Notes: Less well studied then Clomid in male infertility but may provide more reliable effects with less 'dose finding'
+ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
Use: in very select circumstances for a condition called hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Dose: highly variable depending on use. Often 2000 IU subcutaneous 3 times per week; when men become interested in having children (and testosterone levels have normalized), human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) 75-150 IU 3 times per week can be added.
+ Arimidex (Anastrazole) 1 mg daily
Mechanism: aromatase inhibitor which prevents the conversion of testosterone to estradiol. Estradiol usually turns down gonadotropin secretion by the pituitary (LH and FSH) and is important in bone health.
Risks in the Treatment of Testosterone Deficiency
Testosterone Supplementation and Prostate Cancer
Advanced prostate cancer is often treated with medications that either lower or block the action of testosterone. Some people have assumed that increasing testosterone either causes prostate cancer in otherwise normal men or promotes progression of prostate cancer in men without advanced disease – this is probably not true. There is an absence of evidence linking testosterone therapy to development of prostate cancer. (AUA guideline strong recommendation; evidence level grade B). For the prostate cancer patient with testosterone deficiency, there is inadequate evidence to quantify the risk benefit ratio of testosterone therapy. (AUA guideline; expert opinion).
Men receiving testosterone supplementation to physiologic levels should not worry about an increased risk of developing prostate cancer The incidence and types of prostate cancer are the same in men regardless of testosterone supplementation.
Men who have prostate cancer which is being observed (active surveillance) and which is not advanced, there is probably no risk or making the cancer worse if testosterone is supplemented to physiologic levels*
Men whom have had prostate cancer treated and in whom the disease is not advanced probably do not have any risk of progression if testosterone is supplemented to physiologic levels*
Men with advanced prostate cancer should avoid testosterone supplementation*
*Talk to your urologist about the options and current evidence. Monitoring is always required. Advanced disease includes men who have disease which has spread outside the prostate to the lymph nodes or bone. It has been hypothesized that testosterone helps prostate tissue 'differentiate' into more normal tissue. There are clinical trials underway to answer these questions better.
Testosterone Supplementation and Cardiovascular Side-Effects
Low testosterone has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. These include increased BMI, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension. (AUA guideline: Strong recommendation; evidence level grade B).
Venous thromboembolic events No definitive evidence exists however only large observational studies of relatively short duration are available. As a consequence this issue is not settled. It may be that testosterone therapy unmasks a predilection to clot formation. (AUA guideline: Moderate recommendation; evidence level grade C)
Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events. Short term randomized controlled data does not show a significant difference in the incidence of MACE in men on testosterone therapy when compared to placebo. 8 randomized control trials show no difference in the incidence of myocardial infarction in testosterone therapy versus placebo. 6 randomized control trials show no statistically significant incidence of cardiovascular mortality in testosterone users. 3 randomized control trials show equal likelihood of the incidence of stroke between placebo and testosterone arms.
Men with low testosterone of an increased risk of cardiac event-related death as well as all cause mortality. However, it cannot be stated definitively whether testosterone therapy increases or decreases the risk of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACE) (AUA guideline: Evidence level grade B). Expert opinion is that testosterone therapy should not be commenced for 3-6 months in patients with a history of MACE.
American Urological Association 2018 Guidelines on Testosterone Deficiency
AUA 2019 Update on Testosterone Deficiency
On the Web
General Urology Websites
Canadian Urological Association Extensive library of downloadable pamphlets on a wide range of urological conditions
Medline Plus Produced by the US National Institutes of Health with information on virtually every health topic and extensive list of links
UrologyHealth.org The patient information site of the American Urological Association.