Description of Procedure
Circumcision is surgical removal of the foreskin. It is most often done in newborns for religious or personal reasons. We perform circumcision for older children (>5 yrs) and adults for foreskin problems such as phimosis, recurrent infection or skin conditions affecting the foreskin. This is an outpatient procedure usually done under general anesthesia.
Complications after circumcision are rare. They include bleeding requiring hospitalization or reoperation (<1%), poor healing of the incision, infection, altered penile sensation and scarring of the urethral opening (meatal stenosis).
On the Web
General information from the Cleveland Clinic can be found here.
Potential Complications
After Procedure
If you have questions that are not answered here, please contact us.
What to Expect
Swelling and bruising of the penis often progress for 24-48 hours before starting to improve.
Penis may change colours as it heals for several days and weeks much like a bruise elsewhere.
May experience pain or discomfort around incision site for several days.
You may have a wrap dressing that you will need to remove in 24-48 hrs. You will be given verbal instruction as to when the dressing should be removed.
Report any of the following to your doctor:
Redness, foul-smelling drainage or separation of incision site.
Fever over 38.5 C.
Severe pain unrelieved by medication.
Inability to pass your urine.
Severe, rapidly increasing swelling and discomfort of penis or scrotum.
Heavy bleeding from incision site (spotting or light bleeding may occur occasionally and this is normal)
Advance to your usual diet as tolerated.
Get up and about as soon as possible after surgery.
Walk short distances for the first 1-2 days after surgery.
Use of an ice bag on the genitals for the first 24-48 hrs may help reduce swelling. Wrap the ice bag in a washcloth. Do not apply ice directly to skin. Apply 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off while awake.
Avoid lifting more than 20 lbs for one month.
Wear supportive underwear such as briefs.
If a wrap dressing has been left on, remove as directed (usually morning after surgery).
You may start showering 24-36 hrs after surgery. Avoid water stream directly on incision. You may sponge bathe. Do not submerge in a tub bath for 3-4 weeks (children can bathe briefly the next day).
You may start driving about 3-7 days after surgery. Do not drive if you are still on narcotic pain medication or have limited mobility.
You must avoid sexual activity for 6 weeks after circumcision.
Take antibiotics as per prescription.
Use prescription pain medication as needed.
May apply polysporin to incision site to keep moist.
Take a stool softener (obtain over the counter at local pharmacy) starting the night of your surgery. Stop taking stool softeners once having soft bowel movements. Do not take stool softeners if diarrhea occurs.
If you have not had a bowel movement by the 3rd day after your surgery, take a laxative (obtain at your local pharmacy over the counter).
You may begin your regular medications when you leave the hospital unless instructed otherwise.
If you take bloodthinners (ASA, plavix, warfarin), your doctor will advise when you can start them again.